Sunday, July 1, 2007
Don't Forget Dog Insurance
Dog insurance is the last thing you want to think about when in the joyful process of adding a furry new member to the family; but it is something you may want to strongly consider. It is a good idea when you consider the costs that can incur in caring for a dog during his/her lifetime. Unfortunately dogs do get sick and into accidents where injury may occur and Vet costs can be expensive; particularly where surgery might be necessary. If it is an after hour emergency, drop-in clinics can charge up to $100.00 just to walk in the door, this tells you what kind of prices they charge.
This information is not to scare you but to impart realistic advise. Even with the best care and intentions, emergencies can and will occur and getting dog insurance for your dog can be a saving grace in times that will already be fraught with stress. In old age, trips to the Vet will become more frequent. As with people, dogs are living longer due to better quality of life. Ailments due to the aging process increase and therefore so does expense.
Many pet insurance companies have a very reasonable rate and it is worth the expense. Some companies also include added benefits like expenses for locating a lost pet. Different companies have different age requirements and usually have restrictions as to the number of visits to the vet prior to qualifying for insurance. Therefore it is a good idea to give dog insurance consideration before you get your puppy or very soon afterwards. In regards to getting an older dog you will have to check the companies for age restrictions. Quite often veterinarians provide information on various pet insurance companies that offer a variety of dog insurance policies; the Internet is also a good source.